Hello my foreign friend, are you craving to try some delicious Thai local steaks that are already earning local Michelin Star in Bangkok? Yes indeed, you can’t denied that Thai food is not good but if you have been abroad for quite a while, eating your home country food can help make you feel less homesick. Today I will introduce you the best Thai local steakhouses that have been earning Thai people’s hearts for a while.
Top Thai Local Steakhouses That Had Earned Local Michelin Star:
1. Steak Lung Nhuad

Local Michelin Star steakhouse number two goes to Steak Lung Nhuad. If you have ever pass Thai gas station at night, you might have saw Thai people dining at a street stall under purple-white umbrella. You might have looked pass this street stand because you thought they are just selling local Thai food but do you know that under that purple umbrella, local Thai people are actually enjoying Thai local steaks? What local Thai loves the most about this steakhouse is that it is very easy to find (at many gas stations throughout Thailand) and it is pretty cheap. Imagine getting a plate of steak with just only 40 Baht! It’s cheap; it’s delicious; who can denied loving it?

2. Sizzler

Local Michelin Star steakhouse number two goes to Sizzler! Sizzler is a Thai local steak restaurant featuring all-you-can-eat salad bar. It is one of the most popular steak franchise that can be easily spotted in shopping malls. At Sizzler, there are so many choices of meat you can choose and many different ways they can be cooked. Steak are served sizzling and hot with your choice of side dish (french fries, rice, grilled vegetables, or baked potato). What make dining here the best is that when you order a plate of steak, you will also gain unlimited access to the salad bar. Reasonable price of steak with unlimited salad, fruit, soup, and dessert… can life be better than this?

3. Eat Am Are Good Steak

Local Michelin Star steakhouse number three is Eat Am Are. Local steakhouse in Bangkok that is always full during dining hours. There are several branches close to each other and all of them are pretty crowded all the time. What make local Thai love this local steakhouse so much? Because Eat Am Are has a variety of menu we can choose from. Every main steak dish will be served with free cheese toast and another side dish of your choice. In addition, it’s cheap and it also taste good! Another alternative to get cheap but quality steak in Thailand.

In reality, there are so much delicious Thai local steak stores in Thailand that are worth trying. If you ask a local Thai expert, I am sure they have more steakhouses to recommend you to go try. Are you ready to get the best Thai local steak tonight? Many choices to choose from so let’s get going!