Looking for a good opportunity to do good deeds and give back to the society? How about coming with us for blood donations with #MissingType project?

“Without As, Os, Bs, we are nowhere”
Partcipating the world for a campaign #MissingType, Us, TakeMeTour team, would like to invite everyone to visit the Thai red cross society for blood donations together. Show the world your love by dropping the blood-type letters; A, O, and B in your name. #MissingType project aims to encourage people around the world to giving back to their society and save lives by donating their blood.
Even though the campaign runs from September 16 – 21, we still think this is a very good opportunity to meet up, while be able to do good courses for those in need. Offering our As, Os, and Bs, we will unite with people from 25 blood services in 21 countries: United States, Ireland, South Africa, Singapore, and many more.
Let’s join forces along with these guys here 😉
もし世の中から「A」「B」「O」が消えてしまったらGoogleロゴはこんな姿に…。献血でA,B,Oを守りましょう。詳細は日本赤十字社のページ https://t.co/N41Qw2FXQj をご覧ください。 #MISSINGTYPE pic.twitter.com/N2cYN6GCpw
— Google Japan (@googlejapan) August 16, 2016
We’re supp_rting #MissingType c_mp_ign. Sh_w y_ur supp_rthttps://t.co/QrvoV4Nb3T pic.twitter.com/KA0FABHaXM
— Microsoft UK (@MicrosoftUK) August 16, 2016
#MissingType @cityoftoronto @itsinyoutogive where have the O's gone? Patients need blood types A, B and O now! pic.twitter.com/1rqZwlokBU
— Michael Betel (@betelm) August 16, 2016
The @GiveBloodNHS #MissingType is easily one of the best of the year. Will be a big winner come award season pic.twitter.com/ZP0sWgzApC
— Liam Brennan (@LCBrennan) June 14, 2015
Support International #MissingType with us. With your help we’ll fill the gaps together. https://t.co/HueU9DTj2c pic.twitter.com/12eBFB2zAN
— Red Cross Blood Au (@redcrossbloodau) August 15, 2016
…Some facts about bloods and people…
Traveling to Bangkok next week? Let’s meet up for the blood donations!
Where? – BTS Saladaeng/ MRT Silom station
When? – Tuesday September, 23rd at 2.00 pm.
Cost? – Free!! Plus, we can do some cafe-hopping and chill out afterward :9
How to prepare yourself for the blood donations
– Donors need to be healthy
– Sleep well (6-8 sleeping hours recommended)
– Drink water and juice (3-4 glasses more) to help increase or sustain your blood level and prevent dizziness or fatigue after donating your blood.
– One the donation day, wear sleeveless or loose sleeves.
– Avoid eating greasy foods
– No smoking at least an hour for cleaner/ clearer lungs
– No alcoholic drinks in 24 hours before the donating time

Want to join us on this up-coming Tuesday, please kindly visit this link for more information about this event.
Looking forward to see you guys soon,