What is your beliefs?
Some people believe in God, some believe in Ghost and some believe in themselves. Does you society have any superstitious belief? Yes? No?
Here are Thai beliefs from waking up to hitting the bed.
Early bird get the weird (dream)
If you were dreaming then woke up at the early morning (3-5 am.) it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad dream, it will come true within 3 months. That is according to Thai ancient book about dream predication.
Get up Dress up Show up.
Everybody has their own lucky dresses. Here is Thais, some believe that to dress in the same color as the color of each day will bright good luck.
- Wan Ar thit (Sunday) : Red
- Wan Chan (Monday) : Pearl Yellow
- Wan Aung Kran (Tuesday) : Coral Pink
- Wan Pud (Wednesday) : Emerald green
- Wan Pa Reu Had Sa Bo Dee (Thursday) : Topaz Orange
- Wan Sug (Friday) : Diamond blue
- Wan Sao (Saturday) : Amethyst purple
The colors are according to the gods of each stars Sun, Mars, Venus etc.

3. The second mouse get the chance
You were all dress up and ready to face the day. “Juh Juh” you heard a sound of Lizard before you step off your door porch, it’s a sign. Some Thais believe that if you hear lizard call before you go out mean that you should stay in for the day. If you go out it’s will be a real bad day for you so some said.
4. Beep Beep!
Truck drivers usually blow horns when they drove past a junction to pay respect to the spirit of the place. This may sound very superstitious but there are some fact in this matter. Junction is the place that often have accidents and properly have a lot of casualties around the area. To prevent the accident a driver can give a sigh to other drivers by honk the horn.
5. It’s raining cats and dogs
Thais can stop the rain before it began to pour another amazing Thailand, no? Well, Some believe that virgin women have a special power to do so. If you don’t want to have a rainy day you can give a virgin lady a lemongrass and ask her to stick it onto the ground. This way not only the sun will shine all day, you can also check if one is still a virgin or not, cute no?

6. Good man finish the last piece
It’s lunch time and you ordered pizza which you enjoy eating and chatting with your friends until it only have one slice left. You may come up with a game to win the last slice or you can just hog it. Some Thais either hijacked it or simply pass it on to single guys or gals. The last piece of food mean the best so if you got to eat literally the best, you will get to eat well, figuratively best men or women. Talking about dating, here.
7. Anybody home?
We can have a guard to protect our houses from bad guys but what about a ghost? Thailand got it all in control some have Thai spirit houses where an angel can live in and protect us from the unknown.

8. Tree is life
Big tree can come alive. Some believe that old and big trees have guidance angels live inside so local often decorated it with colorful silk and worship it. We also used it as a gimmick to preserve our forests. Local arranged a ritual called tree ordain. Where monks will ordained trees in a wood which mean that trees are in a pure monkhood and if someone cut them down that person do a bad karma.
9. I Dream a Dream
I dream a dream when time go by…Oops! Girls, Have you ever dream about snakes? In Thailand we believe that if a woman dream that she was squeezed by a snake she will meet her soul mate and get married very soon. Let’s sleep early today, shall we?
These are only some beliefs which still presents in Thai society context nowadays, Some Thai do beliefs some Thai don’t. Most of us treat them like a guide line from the past and in some beliefs we found good reasons behind them. We all have our own beliefs, whether we believe it or not we should respect the right to believe, anyway.
What is your belief?
Maybe the answer to that question is not as important as, whether you have experience it yourself? It’s can lead to more interesting question which is do you believe in those beliefs? It’s matter because what you believe, you become.
Again, What matters is what you believe.
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