It’s truer than true, the novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 is the talk of the town right now. And, it’s a must-mentioning thing when it comes to traveling. Many are getting worried whether they’d be safe going out for a trip. Of course, there are loads of things-to-do that will make you feel way safer on your journey. Here are 7 things we recommend you do on a trip as COVID-19 preventive measures!
Before Your Trip

1.Be Prepared!
Walking around town, you will definitely see most of the passersby applying hand gel, spraying sanitizer, or even using some gadgets we have no idea what they are, to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. But yes, why do we have to suggest this out though? Because we Thais are faster than the speed of light when it comes to buying these hygienic products. And there after, it’s pretty hard to get them after your arrival. So be prepared, it’s a brilliant idea if you could grab these from home! And yes, though many of the destinations go less busy due to the impact of COVID-19, we still need some preventive measures just in case! Don’t forget to put on your surgical mask when you are in a public or crowded area to avoid transmission. Here are some check lists :
• Alcohol-based Gel
• Hand Sanitizer
• Surgical Face Mask
• Disposable Wipes
2. Choose the Best Way of Transportation
Well, we know, everyone has their favorite kind of transportation. Some prefer to be on their private journey, and some love mingling with friends on a public one. Of course, go for the one you feel most comfy with, but don’t forget to take preventive actions. Wash your hand with a sanitizer or at least apply the alcohol-based gel after holding the hand rails. Or, if you prefer private transportation but are on a super-tight budget, get a Grab taxi and apply a discount promo code (the price is no different to the public transportation if you come as 2-3). However, if you come as a group, it is super cheap to share a van rental!
During Your Trip

3. Avoid the Germs and Go Cashless
If you have been keeping up with Thailand’s local news before deciding on your trip, you definitely have heard of ‘Thailand 4.0’. Well, to make it short, we try to drive things up using technology. So here’s your chance to become a part of helping us go cashless! Many institutions including WHO, has suggested that the transmission of the virus can go through the use of cash. Of course, who knows how many hands they were passed on right? Consequently, most of the local shops now started to accept money transfers. So, make sure to download the application or if your Mobile Banking does not work abroad, use the contactless credit/debit card instead. Just tap and go, it’s easier and safer!
4. Serving Spoons and Cooked Dishes!
This might be one of the best ways to prevent direct virus transmission. COVID-19 are vastly known to be transmitted through droplets. Well, dipping 5 people’s spoons in the same bowl is definitely an ew! But yes, many Thai main dishes are for sharing. So, the best way is to use serving spoons. Our Local Experts will surely help you and ask the staff member to provide them. Another crucial thing is that, always eat cooked meals (most of our dishes come hot and heated though). Don’t forget to keep your eyes on the street food, not all of them are properly cooked!
5. Sharing Personal Stuff is a No-no
Well, this should be a regular thing to do anyways. But, we wanna stress this once again because it’s super-super useful. Do not share personal stuff with other people, uh-huh. Most of you will definitely go on an adventurous trip when visiting tropical Thailand. At the end of your activities, you surely will have to clean yourselves up. Admit it, our brains all go blank and we forget things sometimes, but this is not a good time to share the germs! So make sure to ask your Local Expert what are the must-bring things, and what cannot be bought during the trip.
6. Also, Clean Your Belongings
Apart from cleaning yourselves up, don’t forget about your belongings. Sometimes we forget about the nearest thing that might be most problematic (and is where you found most germs). Make sure you wash your hands properly after joining any activities. Plus, use a disposable wipe on your belongings such as phone, tablet, or even your transportation ticket!
After Your Journey

7. Keep Track of Your Health
One of the most important things is that, after the end of your journey, don’t just let things space out. Always keep track of your health and keep on practicing the mentioned preventive measures. If you feel unwell or have the related symptoms such as difficulty breathing, flu-like fever, or cough, immediately self-quarantine and contact healthcare providers.
If you need to know more about the COVID-19 situation in Thailand, check out our article : Is Thailand Safe to Travel Among Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
However, we believe if you take care of your health and take these actions strictly, you can be worry-free 🙂 Stay safe and enjoy your trip!